Decision Session - Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities



Councillors Pavlovic



Wednesday, 4 December 2024



3.00 pm



West Offices - Station Rise, York YO1 6GA



The Agenda for the above meeting was published on Tuesday 26 November 2024. The attached additional documents are now available for the following agenda item:




5.          Proposed consultation on draft validation checklist 



(Pages 1 - 10)


This is a revised version of the original report correcting typographical errors.


One of the technical documents that City of York Council as the Local Planning Authority (LPA) should publish is a validation list which clarifies the locally defined requirements when submitting applications of a particular type, scale or location. These local validation lists should be consulted on prior to use and should be reviewed every two years.


CYC has not got an up-to-date validation list. To rectify this, officers have drafted, and internally consulted on, a validation list which reflects the policies in the Local Plan and current national policy; this report requests the Executive Member’s consent to consult on this draft and subsequently to progress to its formal publication on the website in line with legislation.




This agenda supplement was published on Wednesday 4 December 2024